Isabelle Buhot-Batista

Isabelle Buhot-Batista

Adjunct Instructor of French
Mebane Hall 422

Professor Buhot-Batista is an adjunct instructor for French and she teaches all levels of French language.


Ph.D. Candidate (ABD) in French and Francophone Literature/Studies, U of Georgia, Athens, Georgia- 2002

M.A. in French Literature, U of Georgia- 1999

Mention FLE (French as a Second Language, part of a Licence Lettres Modernes), Universite Charles-de-Gaulle, Lille III, France– 1997

M.A. in English, Clemson U, South Carolina- 1995

Maitrise d’anglais (Langues Vivantes Etrangeres), Universite Jean Moulin– 1993


Adjunct Instructor in French, Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation- UNC Charlotte