José Manuel Batista

José Manuel Batista

Associate Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 405

Coordinator of the Undergraduate Certificate Hispanic Literary Studies

José Manuel Batista is an Associate Professor of Spanish, and an affiliate of both the Africana Studies Department and the Latin American Studies Program.  He currently serves as the director of the Hispanic Literary Certificate. Currently, he proudly serves as the Vice President of the College Language Association. From 2011 to 2013, he directed the Spanish MA Program. The core of Dr. Batista’s research and teaching interests are Caribbean and Afro-Hispanic literature of the Spanish-speaking world.


Ph.D. Romance Languages, University of Georgia at Athens. Dissertation: “Exposing the Specter of Universality in Early Afro-Hispanic Poetry” (2003)

M.A. Hispanic Literature, University of Georgia at Athens. (1998)

B.A. English Literature, Magna Cum Laude, Manhattan College Phi Beta Kappa (1994)


Interim Graduate Director of the Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation, 2023-Present

Associate Professor of Spanish, UNC Charlotte, 2009-Present

Assistant Professor of Spanish, UNC Charlotte, 2003-2009

Specific Research Interests

Afro-Hispanic Literature

Caribbean Thought

Literary / Critical Theory

Spanish American Poetry

Spanish Caribbean Literature

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