Heritage Language Learning Symposium

The Heritage Language Learning Symposium is a virtual event sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Chancellor’s Diversity Grant and the CLAS Alumni Council Fall Faculty Grant. It is also supported by the Department of Languages and Culture Studies and the Spanish program.
The entire event will be held virtually on February 24-25, 2021 from 10:00am – 3:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
The symposium offers the possibility to learn about current research on heritage language learning as well as to get practical tools to teach Spanish to U.S. Spanish Heritage Speakers. We have invited two prominent scholars who have been engaged in the field of Heritage Language Education. The Presenters will share their research and knowledge with UNC Charlotte faculty, graduate and undergraduate students as well as with attendees from other institutions.
This event will hold research presentations in the morning and workshops in the afternoon where attendees will have the opportunity to interact with and learn from the invited experts. The symposium will close with a round table where scholars, language instructors, and students at UNC Charlotte will share their experiences.