This Week in LACS 2/5/2024

I hope you all had a restorative weekend. Our external reviewers are here today and tomorrow, and I would like to thank you all for participating in this process. I also look forward to seeing you on Friday for our Department Meeting and will give you an update on the search and other initiatives then.
Dates and Events this Week
This Month is Black History Month.
February 5
Neurodiverse Workforce Video application deadline, Apply Here
February 5-6
- External Reviewers Visit for Self-Study – External Reviewers Itinerary
February 7
- Why We Write and What this Means for Generative AI Use – Webinar, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm (Register)
February 8
- Poetry Slam, After Hours, Cone Center, 7:00-9:00 pm
February 9
- Department Meeting 2:30-4:00 pm, LRC – Agenda
- Nominations due for CHESS Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Full-Time, NTT Faculty Member. Submit your nominations here: NTT Nomination Form
- Nominations due for CHESS Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Part-Time Faculty Member. Submit your nominations here: Part-Time Nomination Form
Looking Ahead
Dates and Events
February 13
- Reappointment Workshop: Professional Faculty, 3:00 – 4:20 pm, Virtual (Register)
February 16
- SEACS Conference, 4th floor Mebane Hall
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Chris Mellinger and Jeff Killman, “AI in the Language Industry”, 12:30-2:00 pm, panel at SEACS, LRC and Zoom
February 17
- SEACS Conference continues, 4th floor Mebane Hall
February 19
- Deadline for O. Max Gardner Award nominations, emailed to Jen Knight
February 22-23
- 10:00 am-6:00 pm, 2024 Heritage Language Learning Symposium, Register
February 23
- NEH Application Writing Workshop
February 27
- Workshop: Recruiting and Supporting Employees with Disabilities, 12:00-1:30 pm, Please register
March 1
- Register for 2nd Annual UNC Charlotte AI Institute
March 2
- Deadline to submit proposal for FLANC. Submit Proposal Here
March 8
- Deadline to submit proposals for 2nd Annual UNC Charlotte AI Institute
March 15
- Department Meeting 2:30 – 4:00 pm, LRC
March 18
- Faculty Forum for Promotion to Full Professor, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Cone 314/Lucas Room (Register)
March 29
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, “Conversational Systems and AI”, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
April 12
- Department Meeting 2:30 – 4:00 pm, LRC
April 19
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Bobby Hobgood, “AI in the Language Classroom”, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
April 30
- Department Meeting 10:30 am-12:00 pm, Party 12:00-2:00 pm
May 15
- AI Institute for Smarter Learning
Congratulations to Javier García León for submitting a proposal for University of Connecticut Visiting Fellowship 2024–2025: “Linguistic Ideologies in Colombia. Exploring Media and Institutional Discourses about Bilingualism.”
Announcements & Updates
CHESS Teaching Awards
CHESS is also seeking nominations for two further teaching awards: the CHESS Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Full-Time, NTT Faculty Member. Submit your nominations here: NTT Nomination Form and the CHESS Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Part-Time Faculty Member. Submit your nominations here: Part-Time Nomination Form by February 9, 2024.
SEACS Conference
The annual SEACS (Southeastern Association of Cultural Studies) Conference will be hosted at UNC Charlotte. President Susanne Gomoluch invites you to attend the conference on Friday, February 16 and Saturday, February 17. Please find information as well as the program on the SEACS Website.
Annual Poetry Slam
The Multi Language Poetry Slam is back! Please come and enjoy poetry by students, faculty and staff. Or sign up to volunteer at the event. Join us at After Hours in the Cone Center, on Thursday, February 8, 7:00-9:00 pm. Please submit your intention to attend, volunteer, participate in, or present at the event here: Poetry Slam Submission.
Heritage Language Learning Symposium
The 2024 Heritage Language Learning Symposium will promote a broad understanding of literacy practices and training for Latinx heritage speakers. It will bring together experts in the fields of bilingual education, with an emphasis on mixed classrooms. Thursday, Feb. 22, and Friday, Feb. 23, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; Read more about the program, see abstracts for the presentations and workshops, and find the schedule. Register.
AI Institute for Smarter Learning
The second AI Institute for Smarter Learning will be held Wednesday, May 15. The call for proposals is open through Friday, March 8.
Black History Month – February
Plan to celebrate Black History Month throughout February with a series of events and activities.
National Endowment for the Humanities Workshop
The College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences is hosting a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) application writing workshop on Friday, February 23, 2024.
CxC Why We Write and What this Means for Generative AI Use
Deciding when to encourage and discourage student use of generative AI for written assignments can be a challenge. Join CxC for a webinar that will provide an ethical framework for helping faculty and students decide when to use and when not to use generative AI. Faculty will learn about different educational and enculturation purposes for writing and apply these understandings to their own teaching practices and course policies. Wednesday, February 7, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm (Register)
Zoom link provided upon registration.
Advising Assistance
Check out the Advisor Tool Kit page (you must request access). CONNECT Best Practices training modules are located on Canvas under published courses. Advisors and faculty can request one-on-one training. For more information contact Gary Martinez, Advising Systems Specialist or LeeFredrick Bowen, Executive Director of Advising Systems.
Faculty Forum for Promotion to Full Professor
The Provost and Deans will talk about expectations and paths to promotion to full professor. Faculty interested in learning more about promotion to full and all U/DRC AND CRC Committee members are encouraged to attend. Monday, March 18, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Cone 314/Lucas Room (Register)
Reappointment Workshop: Professional Faculty
Tuesday, February 13, 3:00 – 4:20 pm, Virtual (Register)
Alumni News
Former Spanish Major Gianluca Iacono moved to Aprigliano, Italy after graduation. He now works for a company that incorporates the citizenship department of Aprigliano. Gianluca has to work with citizenship/immigration law and will be managing the sales department of the company. He says: “Seems like this is where I belonged after all, I feel very fortunate.”
Thank you for all that you do.
All the best,