This Week in LACS 1/22/24

In this Edition: << New Department Name, External Reviewers Itinerary, “Ai and Ethics” Presentation-This Week Friday, Due Date for Annual Evaluation Forms-This Week Friday, Poetry Slam>>
I hope you had a good weekend. Thank you for your contributions to the Department Meeting last Friday. The name you chose for our department is Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation. The CAPC will send the memo forward requesting this change. We are also requesting a change from LACS to LANG.
Dates and Events this Week
Wednesday, January 24
- Census Date for Spring Enrollment
- Niner Course Pack last day to opt-out
- Student Workshop: “How to Study a World Language” by Dr. Bobby Hobgood, please circulate this Flyer among your students.
Friday, January 26
- Due Date for Annual Evaluation Forms (complete them in your personal Google Folder)
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Matteo Di Michele, “AI and Ethics”, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
- GUIDE, at 9:00 am Register
Looking Ahead
Dates and Events
January 31
- Deadline for nominations for the Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship in Teaching and the Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
February 1
- Deadline for the Poetry Slam Submission.
February 2
- Early Alerts due for all 1000/2000 level courses by noon
- Nominations due for CHESS Teaching Award, please see the description below.
February 5-6
- External Reviewers Visit for Self-Study – Sign up to escort here: External Reviewers Itinerary
February 8
- Poetry Slam, After Hours, Cone Center 7:00-9:00 pm
February 9, 2024
- Department Meeting 2:30-4:00 pm, LRC
February 16, 2024
- SEACS Conference, 4th floor Mebane Hall
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Chris Mellinger and Jeff Killman, “AI in the Language Industry”, 12:30-2:00 pm, panel at SEACS, LRC and Zoom
February 17, 2024
- SEACS Conference continues, 4th floor Mebane Hall
February 22-23, 2024
- 10:00 am-6:00 pm. 2024 Heritage Language Learning Symposium, Register
March 2
- Deadline to submit proposal for FLANC. Submit Proposal Here.
March 15, 2024
- Department Meeting 2:30-4:00 pm, LRC
March 29, 2024
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, “Conversational Systems and AI”, 2:30-3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
April 12, 2024
- Department Meeting 2:30-4:00 pm, LRC
April 19, 2024
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Bobby Hobgood, “AI in the Language Classroom”, 2:30-3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
April 30, 2024
- Department Meeting 10:30-12:00 pm, Party 12:00-2:00 pm
Welcome to our new adjunct professor, Ms. Jenn Burke, who is one of our own. She holds an MA in Spanish from our department and is teaching first year Spanish for us this semester.
Congratulations to Sandra Watts for completing a 5 week professional certification course. She received a UPCEA (University Professional, Continuing, and Online Education Association) Certification – Professional, Continuing, and Online Education Diversity by Design: Developing Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Programs, Pathways, and Partnerships.
Announcements & Updates
Annual Evaluation Deadline Coming Up – 1/26/24
Self-Study Update
Please find the entire itinerary here: External Reviewers Itinerary. We still need escorts. Please sign up for escorting.
This Week Friday: LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI
Matteo Di Michele, “AI and Ethics”, Friday, January 26, 2:30-3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
Matteo Di Michele is a global technology and operations executive with 20 years of international experience across a variety of functions such as law, supply chain management, environmental sustainability, and artificial intelligence. He published Artificial Intelligence: Ethics – Risks – Opportunities in 2023.
CHESS Teaching Awards
The Selection Committee for the CHESS Award for the Integration of Teaching and Research has begun its nomination process. This award recognizes faculty who incorporate their research/creative activity into the classroom in meaningful ways so that students learn successfully and are exposed to and/or participate in the practice of research and/or creative activity. If you are interested in being considered for this award, please contact me. Nominations are due on February 2, 2024.
Academic Affairs
Learn more about the upcoming public presentations of candidates for the associate provost for undergraduate education and dean of University College via the UCOL Dean search website. Following each candidate interview, we encourage you to provide feedback via the Candidate Evaluation Form. The form will be available until 8:00 am on Tuesday, February 6.
Guide Training
The Center for Integrated Care invites you to register for GUIDE, an empathic communications training to empower faculty and staff to conduct effective student support. In this three hour session, educators will 1) learn how to identify & contextualize student needs; 2) participate in an interactive, supportive feedback process designed to prepare you for your next student interaction; 3) test, explore, and refine empathic communication skills; and 4) learn how to integrate GUIDE into your interactions with students. The training will occur on Friday, January 26th at 9:00 a.m. Contact Terrence Harper for more information. Register.
Student Workshop
Bobby Hobgood is offering a workshop on “How to Study a World Language” for our students. Please circulate this Flyer to your students.
The Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC) has opened its proposal submission form for workshops and sessions for the 2024 FLANC Fall Conference, which will be held at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem on Saturday – Sunday, October 5 – 6, 2024. The theme, Cultivating for Tomorrow, is designed to highlight the many ways we nourish and grow our world language learners, their proficiency levels, our world language programs, and our world language teachers for the future. Submit your proposal by March 2, 2024, for the chance to share your ideas with your colleagues during a 3-hour Friday evening workshop or a 50-minute Saturday/Sunday session. Submit Proposal Here.
Annual Poetry Slam
The Multi Language Poetry Slam is back! Please come and enjoy poetry by students, faculty and staff. Or sign up to volunteer at the event. Join us at After Hours in the Cone Center, on Thursday, February 8, 7:00-9:00 pm. Please submit your intention to attend, volunteer or present at the event here: Poetry Slam Submission.
We have some very busy weeks ahead with the campus interviews and the external reviewer visit. I appreciate all your contributions to making this all happen.