This Week in LACS 9/25/2023

Happy Monday, I hope you have had a relaxing weekend.
Dates and Events this Week
Monday, September 25, 9:00-10:00 am, Getting Started with ChatGPT Register
Wednesday, September 27,
- due date Associate Dean in the Honors College application
- Chair Office Hours 2:00-4:00 pm moved to Friday
- 4:00 to 6:00 pm. UNC Charlotte Master Plan in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center, third floor
Friday, September 29,
- Rescheduled Chair Office Hours: 11:00-1:00 (virtual only)
- 2:30-3:30 pm. Virtual Department Workshop: Introduction to New Self-Service Banner (RSVP) Please see the Video of the Google Drive Workshop from last Friday
- due date for CFP Collaboration in Action: Engaged Scholarship and Student Impact Symposium
Looking Ahead
October 1, Deadline OEA Spring Affiliate Programs applications
October 2, Banner Self-Service Virtual Training 9:00-10:30 am (Zoom link)
October 4,
- Study Abroad Fair
- 11:15 am-12:05 pm. panel and conversation: Being a Latinx Artist in Charlotte Register
October 5, 5:30 pm.
- 10:00-11:00 Workshop on ChatGPT, LRC
- Student Union 263 Zine workshop in conjunction with a gallery exhibit
October 6,
- 10:00- 11:30 am. Banner Self-Service Virtual Training (Zoom link)
- 10:30-11:30am. CHESS All Faculty and Staff Townhall Zoom meeting
- 2:30-4:00om. Department Meeting
October 6, 4:00-5:00 pm. Discussion about Department Meetings Day/Time for AY 24-25
October 7, due date Submission of Course Materials for Spring 2024
October 9, due date Inclusive Excellence Grants
October 13, due date CFP for International Education Week
October 20, due date for RFP for Aliaga-Buchenau Witness in Residence proposals
October 24, due date to register for Collaboration in Action: Engaged Scholarship and Student Impact Symposium
October 28, due date FRG Proposals (submit via Niner Research)
November 1,
- Deadline OEA Spring Break Faculty led Programs applications
- Deadline to apply for SECOLAS in Asheville April 3-6, 2024 CFP
November 3, 2:30-4:00 pm Department Meeting
November 6, due date Reassignment of Duties/Junior Faculty Development Award files
November 7-8, Engaged Scholarship and Student Impact Symposium, Student Union
November 13-17, International Education Week
November 14, 12:00-1:00 pm. Brown Bag: Imagining Latinidad: Digital diasporas and community building among Latin American migrants – by David Dalton Fretwell 290B or Zoom link
November 16, due date Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence and UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence online nomination form
November 17, 3:00-5:00 pm, JBusiness Forum
December 7, 10:30-12:00 pm Department Meeting, 12:00-2:00 Potluck
December 15, due date for applications for Summer Institute on Translation & Global Literacy
Congratulations to Chris Mellinger for being invited to present “Tiny Desk Series: A Graduate’s Perspective in Conversation” at TransHum in the Department of Modern Languages and Classical Languages at Kent State University on April 14, 2023 and for presenting “The Challenges of Translating Translation History” at the Southeastern Association for Cultural Studies Conference in Charlotte, NC, February 17–18, 2023.
Kudos to Michèle Bissière for publishing the invited co-authored article “Bilan cinématographique 2021-22: entre réalité et illusion” in The French Review 96.3 (March 2023) 19-37. Congratulations also to Michèle Bissière for publishing the invited co-authored article “Dossier pédagogique: Un monde (Laura Wandel, 2022)” in The French Review 96.3 (March 2023). Online.
Congratulations to Javier García León for submitting his ACLS Fellowship proposal “Racial and neoliberal ideologies in Colombian language policies and media discourses about bilingualism. A raciolinguistic exploration” September 19, 2023. Wishing him the best of luck in obtaining this Fellowship.
Congratulations to Chirs Mellinger for being elected for a 4-year term to the Management Committee of the International Thematic Network on Empirical Research in Translation and Cognition.
Announcements & Updates
State Budget Update: Raises
The North Carolina General Assembly has approved the state’s two-year budget. Among the items included is the largest raise for state employees since 2007. The budget includes a 7% pay increase over two years for all permanent faculty and staff: 4% in FY 23-24, retroactive to July 1, 2023 3% in FY 24-25. Read more here.
COED: Mebane Hall
UNC Charlotte has named the building that houses the Cato College of Education and our department Mebane Hall. Read more here.
Banner Self-Service Update
The Banner Self Service upgrade for faculty and advisors, students and registration, with new and improved functionality, is complete.
- Join a virtual department workshop Friday, 9/29 2:20-3:30 pm
- Join a virtual university training
Letterhead to use
We have to use the new LACS 2023 LETTERHEAD which includes the correct building name (Mebane Hall) and does not make a reference to the college name. We will receive an updated letterhead when they have added CHESS to it.
You can find the letterhead in three ways:
- Search for LACS 2023 LETTERHEAD
- Go to DEPT-LCS-Languages and Culture Studies, go to 8. Templates for Faculty Use, click on LACS 2023 LETTERHEAD, please read HOW TO USE THIS LETTERHEAD
- Got to Canvas, Project LACS Faculty and Staff, and then click on Faculty Use Templates, and follow the steps outlined above

Advertising News/Events
You have several options for advertising your events
- Please always submit your news/events to This Week in LACS
- To have your news/events on the Digital Screen in the department, please email Jules
- To announce any news/events at the college level via the CHESS Digest, submit your news here.
- Faculty and staff members can submit news or story/video ideas at the university level for consideration via the online form or email
Canvas Analytics
Canvas Analytics for Early Intervention training: learn how to identify students in need. Sign up here Learn how to leverage Canvas Analytics for early student intervention! Wednesday, September 27, 10:00-11:00 am on Zoom
Breakfast with the Chancellor
Faculty and staff are invited to sign up for an upcoming Breakfast with the Chancellor session.
Vaccinations Clinics
The Student Health Center is offering flu and COVID vaccines for students, faculty and staff.
Thank you
Thank you to Xiaohong Muller, Fang-yi Chao, Mary LaMarca, Susanna Cisneros, Noha Ghali and all our colleagues who came out for representing our department at IFest 2023.

All the best,
Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau